Blog Archives

Essentialism 101: Identifying and Removing Obstacles

In his fantastic book, Essentialism, Greg McKeown talks about obstacles in an interesting way — as the “slowest hiker” of a group traveling to their campsite. What he suggests is that instead of trying to improve every aspect of a

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Posted in How To, Inspiration

Essentialism 101: Creating a Better User Experience

Eliminating distraction is part of the essentialism philosophy. The less distraction we experience, the better chance we have of focusing on what’s really important. In order to eliminate distraction, we must first identify what’s essential and what’s non-essential. Then, we

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Posted in Conversion, User Experience (UX), Web Design

Transforming Email from Non-Essential to Essential

Lately, I’ve been closely examining my day to identify non-essential activities. At this point in my essentialist existence, this is not an easy task as I’ve already removed much of the non-essential. The other day, I started thinking about how

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Posted in How To, Inspiration

Essentialism 101: Web Design Trade-offs

We all face trade-offs in our professional and personal lives. When we choose to stop working and spend time with family or friends, it’s a trade-off. When we decide to stay up an extra two hours to get that work

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Posted in Conversion, Social Media, User Experience (UX), Web Design

Essentialism 101: The Pareto Principle and You

Have you heard of the Pareto Principle? It’s a theory that states 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results. I was recently reminded of the Pareto Principle, which led me to thinking about how I could identify and

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Posted in How To, Inspiration, Marketing

Essentialism 101: Essential vs. Nonessential

Dieter Rams, the famous Braun designer, believes that “almost everything is noise.” Of course, he was referring to design (we’ll save that discussion for another blog post), but what about our businesses — and our lives? How much of it

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Posted in How To, Inspiration
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