10 Principles of Good Web Design, #2: Build Trust

10 Principles of Good Web Design 2 Build TrustGood web design builds trust.

A visitor’s user experience needs to be inviting, pleasant, enjoyable.

To begin, let’s start by answering the question …

UX is the positive, negative or neutral experience  a visitor has on your website.

The user experience often determines whether or not someone chooses your service, your product or signs up for one of your offers.

When the UX is good, a visitor will stick around and even look forward to coming back to your site. In a way, good UX is similar to going to your favorite restaurant where you love the food, the wait staff and the atmosphere.

When someone arrives on your site, it’s important they feel grounded. In other words, a visitor needs to clearly understand where they are, what they can do — and how to do it. Clutter, like multiple navigations, and distractions, like slide shows need to be avoided if at all possible.


Wondering what a good UX actually looks like, as well as what to avoid? To follow are a handful of examples …

Examples of a Good User Experience

Dollar Shave Club
Cuppa SEO Web Design Madison WI UX Example 1A

Cuppa SEO Web Design
Web Design Madison WI User Experience Example 2A

Examples of a Bad User Experience

Avoid these UX Mistakes Cuppa SEO Madison WI

UX Mistakes to Avoid Web Design Madison WI
As you can see, there are major differences in the overall quality of these good and bad UX examples.

Even if you have a bazillion products or services, that doesn’t mean you site needs to look like a junk heap. There’s always a solution that can provide a solid UX. Dollar Shave Club (who offers an abundance of products) is proof of that.

Need help with the UX on your website?
Feel free to get in touch with Cuppa SEO Web Design anytime for a complimentary consultation.

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Posted in How To, Marketing, User Experience (UX)
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