Would the Ghostbusters Need Social Media?

Would The Ghostbusters Need Social Media

In today’s golden age of online marketing, the answer to this question would certainly be yes.

Although a better question would be HOW should the Ghostbusters use social media, and WHO should be creating the content?

In order to know how to proceed, the Ghostbusters would have to answer the same questions as any other business, like:

  • What social media channels are our customers and potential customers using?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What benefits of our product or service do they care about the most?
  • What kind of content will resonate with them? Remember, we want engagement, not a one-way conversation.

And before any social media campaign begins, or any marketing collateral is created for that matter, another important question must be answered:

What does the voice of our brand sound like?

Voice is more than tone, it’s the embodiment of your company’s personality.

Imagine for a moment, that the Ghostbusters were sitting around the dinner table in the firehouse eating cold Chinese food. They’re debating as to who should handle their Facebook page. You’ve got four distinct personalities, all of which will appeal to a niche of customers …

Ray Stantz & Social MediaRAY: the playful, child-like geek that still gets excited about the intersection of technology and the paranormal.


Cuppa SEO Peter Venkman Social MediaPETER: the sharp-tonged, quick-witted charmer who essentially has no filter.



Winston Zeddemore &-Social MediaWINSTON: the good-hearted guy who appeals to the non-geek crowd, he’s the every-man that fell into a job that happened to include wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back.


Cuppa SEO Egon Spengler & Social MediaEGON: my personal favorite, Egon will most likely want to discuss his fungus and mold-spore collection, while delivering dead-pan humor with a sly smile.


Depending on their audience, any of these personalities could be a winner. My initial feeling is that all four of them should be working on their social media as a team, testing their efforts and seeing what’s gaining the most traction and engagement. If nothing else, there would be variety and richness to their campaigns that none of the four could accomplish themselves.

On the other hand, if 90% of their customer base are interested in mold spores, then maybe the rest of the team should just stick to catching ghosts.

In the end, this post isn’t meant to offer one clear answer about your social media. It’s meant to make you think about your own business, how you’re currently handling your social media efforts, and how a shift in the way you communicate just may help you engage with more people.

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Posted in How To, Social Media
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